
How to Convert Pinterest Traffic into Leads: Practical Tips for Small Businesses

A tablet with a pinterest app on it

What is Pinterest?

Understanding Pinterest Traffic

  • The platform is highly visual; the more aesthetically pleasing your visual is, the better. 
  • Pins (the content you post) have a long shelf life. They can remain relevant and have consistent high engagement months or even years after posting. 
  • The Pinterest audience is diverse but leans more towards women than men. 

How to Convert Your Pinterest Traffic into Leads 

Design Effective Pins

  • Use the right size- just like other platforms, Pinterest has its preferred sizing for posts, which is 1,000 x 1,500 px. So, when designing your pins, make sure they are the correct size. 

  • Add text to your images—Adding attention-grabbing text to your pin is very important. It gives more information to your audience and tells them exactly what they can get from your pin. Just make sure your text font is readable. 

  • Use keywords—Just like any other search engine, Pinterest uses keywords to rank pins. Take advantage of this and add keywords to your pin images, titles, and descriptions. 

  • Add branding to your pins—You want your audience to associate your pins with your business, so be sure to always include some form of branding on all your pins. It could be your logo, colors, or business name added to the bottom of the Pin. 

  • Include infographics- Infographics work really well on Pinterest because they provide valuable visual information that is easy to understand. When designing your pins, try to incorporate infographics. 

  • Add links—After designing your pin and before scheduling it, remember to add a relevant link to the pin so that when a visitor clicks on it, they are led to your website. 

Create Enticing Lead Magnets 

pinterest pin for a lead magent

Optimize your Landing Pages for Pinterest Traffic

landing page example

  • Keep all information relevant: The information on your landing page must be related to and relevant to the lead magnet and pin. 

  • All information should be to the point: A visitor is on your landing page to receive something; now is not the time to go on and on about your business’s history. 

  • Visually appealing: Your landing page should have a similar visual appeal to your pin. Don’t make the designs so different that your visitor will wonder if it’s the same business. Keep the visual experience seamless using high-quality images and readable fonts. 

  • Optimise for mobile: Because most people use Pinterest on their phones, your landing pages must be optimized for mobile devices and have fast load times. 

Use Effective Calls-to-Action (CTA)

  • Action-oriented- use persuasive words to get them to make an action
  • Relevant- they should, of course, be relevant to the offer being made

Use your Pinterest Analytics for Lead Conversion

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